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Jobs: digging and manuring when soil is not frozen; sort through stored crops; remove any rotting vegetables; weed crops under cover; start chitting seed potatoes; blanch endives; start forcing rhubarb crowns by excluding light; place seed orders; take blackcurrant cuttings; burn prunings; repair paths, cages. Sow in heat: early summer cauliflower. Sow under cover: broad beans, lettuce, peas, radishes, cress, rocket. Plant: garlic, rhubarb sets, shallots, fruit. Prune: established trees but do not prune cherries, damsons, plums or peaches.


Sow in heat: globe artichokes, asparagus,  broccolis, mini cauliflowers, celeriac, celery, leeks, onions. Sow under cover: beetroot, broad beans, Brussels sprouts, summer and autumn cabbage, carrots, kales, leeks, lettuce, Japanese bunching, main crop and spring onions, peas, radishes. Sow outdoors in good conditions: broad beans, kohlrabi, onions, parsnips, peas, radishes, spinach, parsley. Sow: tomato seeds indoors or in heated greenhouse for planting in cool greenhouses in April.  Plant: J. artichokes, spring cabbage, garlic, onion sets, rhubarb, shallots. Continue planting and pruning fruit in suitable conditions. Jobs: digging and manuring light soils unless the ground is frozen; start preparing seedbeds; chit seed potatoes; lift parsnips and heel in if sprouting; thin over-wintered onions; cover strawberries planted for early fruiting with cloches; lift leeks; continue cleaning up plot.


Plant: Jerusalem artichokes, garlic, lettuce, onion seedlings, onion sets, early and main-crop potatoes, shallots. Jobs: prick out tomatoes and other seedlings germinated in heat. Weed and feed over-wintered crops; lift, divide and replant chives and Welsh onions; prepare ground for tomatoes. Complete fruit planting and pruning. Sow in heat: aubergines, peppers, tomatoes. Sow under cover: dwarf beans, beetroot, hybrid broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, cauliflowers, celery, celeriac, kale, leeks, lettuce, rhubarb. Sow in open: broad beans; summer, autumn and winter cabbage; calabrese; kale; lettuce; Japanese bunching and main-crop onions; parsley; parsnips; peas; radishes; shallots; spinach beets; spinach; turnips; herbs.


Sow: aubergines, courgettes, cucumbers, peppers, pumpkins, winter squash, tomatoes (in heat). Sow under cover: hybrid broccoli, dwarf beans, late summer/autumn  cauliflowers, celeriac, celery, and slightly later: runner beans, courgettes, cucumbers, kales, marrows, sweet corn, tomatoes. Sow in open: globe artichokes, beetroot, broad beans, sprouting broccoli, Brussels sprouts, autumn and winter cabbage, calabrese, carrots, kales, leeks, lettuce, Japanese bunching and pickling onions, parsley, parsnips, peas, radishes, rocket, spinach beet, summer spinach, turnips (in open). Plant: asparagus crowns, Brussels sprouts seedlings from under cover, spring cabbage, early summer cauliflowers, lettuce, onion sets, early and main-crop potatoes. Jobs: keep weeding, earth up early potatoes, support peas, prepare grounds for tomatoes, harden off seedlings started under glass, check flowering and setting of stone fruit, protect trees and fruit bushes against frost while they are in bloom; plant late flowering strawberries. Prick out aubergines, celery, celeriac, peppers, tomatoes.


Sow under cover: hybrid broccolis, autumn and winter cauliflowers, courgettes, cucumbers, kales, marrows and sweet corn. Sow in open: broad, French and runner beans; beetroot; sprouting broccoli; summer, autumn and winter cabbage; calabrese; carrots; salads; onions; peas; rocket; spinach beet; swedes; Swiss chard; turnips. Prick out or pot up: aubergines, celery, celeriac, cucumbers, marrows, peppers, tomatoes. Thin out: beetroot, carrots, lettuce, parsnips, radishes, spinach, turnip. Plant: asparagus; globe artichokes; French and runner beans; broccolis; Brussels sprouts; summer, autumn, winter cabbage; summer and autumn cauliflowers; celery; celeriac; leeks; lettuce; main-crop potatoes. Plant out (under cloches initially): aubergines; courgettes; tomatoes; cucumbers; marrows; peppers; pumpkins; winter squash; sweet corn. Jobs: harden off seedlings; protect seedbed against birds; watch out for pests and take measures; continue weeding; earth up early potatoes and protect from frost; support peas; mulch all vegetables; remove overcrowded growth on raspberries and apply a mulch; protect strawberry fruits with straw and scatter slug bait; start summer pruning vines.


Thin: directly sown vegetables; fruits if crop is heavy. Plant: asparagus, sprouting broccolis, Brussels sprouts, autumn summer and winter cabbages, late summer and autumn cauliflowers, celery, celeriac, courgettes, fennel, kales, leeks, marrows, peppers, pumpkins, winter squash, sweet corn, tomatoes. Jobs: pinch out broad bean tops. Hoe, weed, mulch, water! Stake and earth up brassicas after planting out. Watch out for pests. Harvest strawberries. Train new blackberry shoots. Summer prune gooseberries. Protect all fruit against birds. Summer prune outdoor vines. Anchor strawberry runners so that they form new plants. Sow in open: French and runner beans, beetroot, calabrese, carrots, salads, courgettes, cucumbers, lettuce, marrows, spring onions, pak choi, peas, pumpkins, radishes, rocket, spinach beet, summer spinach, winter squash, swedes, sweet corn, turnips.


Jobs: weed, hoe, mulch, water. Tie, stake, side-shoot and stop cordon tomatoes. Tie climbing cucumbers and compost if necessary. Watch out for cabbage caterpillars and other pests. Earth up and stake Brussels sprouts. Blanch celery with collars. Lift garlic, shallots and onions. Pick soft fruits. Support heavily cropping branches of stone fruits. Summer prune vines. Prune cherries, damsons, plums and peaches. Thin apples and pears. Pick: globe artichokes, beans, beetroot, salads, carrots, cucumber, courgettes, marrows, squashes, summer spinach, shallots, onions, peas, garlic, potatoes, radishes, blueberries, raspberries, gooseberries. Thin; beetroot, carrots and swedes. Sow: dwarf French beans, beetroot, spring cabbage, spring greens, carrots, autumn cauliflowers, kales, winter lettuce, spring onions, radishes, spinach, spinach beet, Swiss chard, rocket. Plant: sprouting broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbages, calabrese, kales, leeks, second cropping potatoes.


Jobs: weed, hoe, mulch, water. Tie, stake, side-shoot and stop cordon tomatoes. Tie climbing cucumbers and compost if necessary. Watch out for cabbage caterpillars and other pests. Earth up and stake Brussels sprouts. Blanch celery with collars. Lift garlic, shallots and onions. Pick soft fruits. Support heavily cropping branches of stone fruits. Summer prune vines. Prune cherries, damsons, plums and peaches. Thin apples and pears. Pick: globe artichokes, beans, beetroot, salads, carrots, cucumber, courgettes, marrows, squashes, summer spinach, shallots, onions, peas, garlic, potatoes, radishes, blueberries, raspberries, gooseberries. Thin; beetroot, carrots and swedes. Sow: dwarf French beans, beetroot, spring cabbage, spring greens, carrots, autumn cauliflowers, kales, winter lettuce, spring onions, radishes, spinach, spinach beet, Swiss chard, rocket. Plant: sprouting broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbages, calabrese, kales, leeks, second cropping potatoes.


Jobs: thin outdoor winter radish, spinach, Swiss chard, turnips for storing. Ensure greens are earthed up and staked; finish harvesting onions; cut down tomatoes to ripen off indoors or under cloches; put marrows, winter squashes and pumpkins in sun to ripen; continue to feed celeriac and leeks. Cover late sowings of dwarf beans, carrots, endive, lettuce, potatoes, radishes, salad crops with cloches or low polytunnels. Pick fruit in cool conditions before fully mature; complete summer pruning of apples and pears; harvest blackberries and autumn raspberries. Plant: spring cabbage, garlic, autumn onion sets, lettuce, leeks. Sow under cover: calabrese, bunching onions, radishes, salads, rocket, etc. Sow outside: spring cabbage, endive, kohlrabi, saladini, winter lettuce and last sowings of ordinary radishes, winter spinach, turnips. Pick vegetables and fruits!


Jobs: start blanching endive; cut down Jerusalem artichokes; earth up leeks; lift storage cabbage before heavy frost; bring in marrows, pumpkins and winter squashes before frosts; clear away pea sticks and bean poles; start digging and manuring on heavy soil; mulch celeriac and parsnips with straw; earth up and protect globe artichoke crowns with fleece/leaves; protect salad plants with cloches to improve quality. Sow under cover: winter lettuce, early summer cauliflowers, salads. Sow outside: broad beans, hardy peas. Plant: spring cabbage, garlic, autumn onion sets, winter lettuce. Thin: swedes, winter lettuce, corn salad.


Sow outside: broad beans, hardy peas. Plant: garlic, rhubarb sets. Jobs: dig, manure on heavy soil; occasionally weed crops under cloches and over-wintering crops; check stored vegetables and remove any rotting ones; mark positions of winter root crops in case of snow; lift rhubarb crowns for forcing indoors; remove yellowing leaves from brassicas; thin or transplant protected over-wintered lettuce; lift and store late-sown beetroot, carrots, turnips, swedes; plant fruit trees and bushes; prune established fruit trees, except for cherries, plums, peaches or damsons; lime old brassica plots to prevent club root.


Jobs: dig, manure on heavy soil; occasionally weed crops under cloches and over-wintering crops; check stored vegetables and remove any rotting ones; mark positions of winter root crops in case of snow; lift rhubarb crowns for forcing indoors; remove yellowing leaves from brassicas; thin or transplant protected over-wintered lettuce. Lift and store late-sown beetroot carrots, turnips, swedes; plant fruit trees and bushes; prune established fruit trees, except for cherries, plums, peaches or damsons; lime old brassica plots to prevent club root. Sow outside: broad beans; hardy peas. Plant: garlic, rhubarb.

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