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How your site is managed, week to week

Golf Course Allotments is owned by Haringey Council. There is a nominated Allotments Officer (currently Vicky Stones) who carries out regular site inspections, makes decisions on letting plots and, where necessary, terminating tenancies. However, Haringey has devolved the day-to-day management of sites to the sites themselves. So we have a Committee of unpaid volunteers - all ordinary plot holders -  who, with help from other plot holders, organise and carry out the many essential tasks involved in keeping such a large site running smoothly. 


Although Haringey has ultimate responsibility for enforcing the terms of the Tenancy Agreement signed by all tenants, our Site Secretary (Tullio Moglia) and Chair (Tricia Kelly) carry out regular plot inspections and make reports to the Allotments Officer, guiding her towards problems where necessary. Open communication between our Committee and all plot holders is encouraged so that any problems can be dealt with as quickly as possible.  


The Haringey Allotment Forum is an organisation set up to create dialogue between all allotments sites and Haringey Council. Its meetings are usually attended by either the Chair or the Site Secretary of the GCAA. You can find more information about the HAF, as well as some useful advice and guidance, at:


For further information about Haringey Council's Allotment Management :


Allotments Team:


For more information about the current Committee members and what they do, click here





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