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GCAA Code of Conduct for plotholders

Revised March 2021.



Our Role:
In addition to Haringey Council and the Site Secretary the Golf Course Allotments run an association to help maintain and improve the site. It also organises social and fundraising activities. The Committee members include the Site Secretary, Chair, Treasurer, and Minutes Secretary. They and the rest of the committee are voted in at the AGM each year. We are always happy for new plotholders to stand for the committee.


Annual Subscription:

Plotholders are asked to pay an annual subscription to the GCAA to enable it to carry on its work. This cost covers insurance on the site and entitles you to buy cut price items in the trading shed and enter the Show. The annual subscription is £5 and it is payable in the trading shed or online. See the "Support our work" page.



Trading Shed/Shop:
The GCAA funds and runs the trading shed, where you can buy reduced price seeds, plants, compost and many other items. Trading shed hours are: Saturday and Sunday 11 am -1 pm. The trading shed is usually closed for the winter months but re-opens in March.




All GCAA activities require your support. We could not do this without your aid, both financially and by helping out at the annual show and other fundraising occasions.



National Garden Scheme:

The GCAA is a member of the NGS and we have an NGS Open Day during our Annual Show.



Haringey Allotment Forum:

The HAF is an organisation designed to create a dialogue between the allotments and the Council. The GCAA also tries to send one of our committee members to the Haringey Allotment Forum every time it meets. 



GCAA Events:

The Annual Show:

The Annual Show is held on the 1st Sunday in September. Members come and show their fruit and veg, contribute produce to sell. We also have a very successful Café open on the day. We welcome novice growers – there are no giant leeks at the GCAA show! The show schedule is emailed out at the beginning of May and is available from the shop and on the website.

The Annual General Meeting is usually held each year. The AGM is an important meeting and determines the leadership you will have in the following year, as well as enabling you to vote on various issues.



The Calendar:
The GCAA Allotment calendar goes on sale every year in early autumn and is a great guide for plot holders. It also raises some money for further improvements. Photos of the allotment are contributed by GCAA plotholders.



Entering and Leaving the Site:
The allotments have two entry points; the Winton Avenue Gates, and the Bidwell Garden Gates. Gates are to be locked at all times upon entering and leaving the site. We have invested in a set of security locks. You will not be able to duplicate your key or give it to anyone else. If you lose your key you will need to arrange with the Site Secretary regarding a replacement. If a non-plot holder is your guest for the day, you need to escort them onto and off the site. The side gate on Winton Avenue can be accessed by the key. We have had security issues and vandalism in the past. Keep valuables safe and LOCK YOUR CAR! Please also notify the Site Secretary, Chair, or Shop, or the Police if you notice unauthorised people on site or are aware of any suspicious activity.



Cars and Dogs on site:
Please park and drive responsibly. There is a 5mph speed limit. When parking, please be aware of paths and ensure plotholders have access to their plots. Dogs should always be on a lead on the allotment site. The site should not be used for exercising dogs.



The mains water is turned off in Autumn and on again in Spring (weather permitting). Please make sure that you do not leave taps running after you finish watering. Watering may be restricted during droughts and it is a good idea to have water butts around your site. Hoses should be hand held and sprinklers should only be used when the plot holder is on their site. Please do not allow your children to play with water or hoses, even in hot weather – it can quickly reduce paths/plots to mud baths!



Carpet Use:
Carpets can become a hazard, are slippery when wet, and in many cases can be toxic when broken down. Please do not bring carpet on site. We recommend that you use black membrane for large areas and wood chips, which are in kept in a central store by the main car park.



Care of your plot:
Plots are inspected throughout the year by the Council Allotment Officer and/or the Site Secretary. Actions taken will be in accordance with the rules set out in the tenancy agreement. However, the GCAA would like to encourage you to keep your plots tidy and well cultivated, not doing so is the quickest way to lose your allotment. You are also responsible for the paths and roads around your site, cutting them and making sure they are safe and free of hazards such as carpets and glass. If you become ill and cannot work your plot let us know and we will try to help. Anyone that comes in to help you out is a volunteer and is not entitled to a plot of their own.



Plot holders should compost as much of their green waste as possible. Even weeds such as bindweed and couch grass can be composted if they are first drowned in water. If you want to buy good garden manure, the trading shed has the number of a reliable person who will arrange a delivery for you. Piles of manure need to be removed from road delivery points as soon as feasible.


Illness (unable to work your plot):

Please tell the Site Secretary if you are ill and unable to work your plot. We can ask the council to hold off on action against you if you are sick. However if you do not tell us about it, then we cannot do anything. 



Non compostable/burnable rubbish:
We recommend that you take all your non-burnable rubbish to a local council dump.



Read our rules page to make sure you comply with those.

Join our mailing list to receive Golf Course Allotments news and details of upcoming events.

This list is separate from Haringey Council's allotment holders list. Signing up here is the only way to get the latest information on your allotment.

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